SHARE is a short narrative film following JOHN and ABBY, a young couple wrestling with the decision whether or not to take their relationship to a deeper level by using a technology known as “sharing”. The tech not only allows for people to record everything about their experience – all their thoughts, emotions, memories, and desires – but to also share that digital memory with another person in perfect fidelity so they can see that other person’s entire life in a digital instant.
However, like any technology, it isn’t without its pitfalls, something John experienced first hand in his previous relationship. As Abby and John debate whether or not to take the step in their own relationship, John is driven to go back and connect with his previous partner to find out what really caused their relationship to fall apart after his previous share. Forced to come to terms with what happened before and what may likely happen again, John must accept what the “sharing” can and can’t do – and how no matter what his decision, his relationship with Abby will never be the same again.
While it uses sci-fi elements to set the stage for the couple’s conflict, at it’s heart the story is a drama about the challenges of intimacy that have forever been part of the human experience.