Mark Michael Lewis is a life and relationship coach with 20+ years of experience. Over that time, Mark has coached over 100 individuals and couples one-on-one, published 3 books, and been a consultant to over 100 businesses and entrepreneurs.

Mark’s books included RelationDancing: Consciously Creating What You Really Want In Your RelatingThe Key Is In The Darkness: Unlocking The Door To A Spiritual Life, and Problems Are The Solution: Embracing Conflict As The Gateway To Love.

Mark says his mission is to help people realize what they really want and create it in their daily lives.

His has just finished his latest product Creating Thriving Partnerships: Better Relationships for Smart People which integrates his 20 years of experience into a 12-week, step-by-step program to create love, intimacy, teamwork, and fun in your life.

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Creating Thriving Partnerships Online Course